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Professional Learning
Action Research Grants
The impact of Covid-19 on the reading behaviours and experiences of adolescents
The impact of Covid-19 on the reading behaviours and experiences of adolescents
Created on: 13 Jan 2022 | Last modified: 16 Oct 2024
Decolonising the English Curriculum for Increased Pupil Awareness of Social Justice
Reflection on Action Research Participation - Susan Whyte
Exploring Feedback for All Learners to Develop Creative Thinking
Using situated learning and pro-social approaches to improve gender equality in engineering education
Bouncing back to school after lockdown: Promoting children’s resilience
“It doesn’t beat the real thing”: Educational experiences of students with ASD during COVID 19
The impact of child-centred pedagogy on health and wellbeing in the post COVID-19 lockdown context
The impact of teacher focused sessions with pre-school children on progression
The Effects of Play & Outdoor Learning on a P2 Class during a Pandemic
The impact of Covid-19 on the reading behaviours and experiences of adolescents
Counting in the Community: a Case Study in Participatory Budgeting in a Scottish Secondary School
Personalised webinars to support communication interventions for learners during a period of remote learning
Beginning Our Play Journey: A comparison of adult-led and child-initiated learning in the Primary One classroom
How Can Independently Accessed Self-Regulation Support Be Effective in Supporting Learners
How can positive parental engagement be enhanced in mainstream Scottish primary schools?
The Impact of Professional Learning for Teaching Staff on Improving the Student Experience
Creating positive outdoor experiences on the parental attitudes towards accessing the local outdoors
Growth Mindset approaches within an ASNs provision?
Does teacher gender amplify the gender imbalance when pupils pick Science subjects?
Can Mindfulness Reduce Stress & Increase Well-Being and Self-Compassion for Secondary School Staff?
Exploration of Factors that Impact Upon Inclusion of Pupils with ASN in Mainstream Secondary
Implementing strategies to support & develop language in early years.
The evolving role of the middle leader within the Scottish Attainment Agenda
Boys Don’t Cry and the other deleterious effects of Toxic Masculinity
Investigating the importance of effective strategies to raise the attainment of white boys in SIMD 1,2 and 3
N5 Geography 2017 to 2018: Fairer Scotland?
‘Time-served teachers’? Professional identity and FE lecturers in Scotland
Influences of a 6-week Workplace Mindfulness training course on the mental health of FE students
An exploratory study of Articulating Nursing students
The experiences, barriers & motivators around parental engagement in a (CLN) setting
Can moving image education improve literacy attainment
What is the impact of outdoor education on the lives of pupils with complex needs
Can teaching primary one children music have a positive effect on phonics?
This 2020-21 ARG project report by Jennifer Milne is currently under consideration for external publication. Please check back for further details.