Management Time Allocations

Created on: 23 Jan 2018 | Last modified: 02 Apr 2020


1.1 The following resolution was approved by the 2012 Annual General Meeting:

"This AGM instructs Council to investigate and report on management time allocations in schools." 

1.2 Advice was sought from Scottish Councils. In responses, a large number of Councils indicated that management time allocations were subject to review. This is stated in the context of reviews of promoted post structures and budget cuts. 

1.3 Arising from this fact and a patchy return it is recommended that this work should continue beyond the 2013 AGM.

Management Time – Context

2.1 The Scheme of Conditions of Service for Teaching Staff in School Education set out in paragraph 10.2.3 of the Yellow Book:

"Where a class teaching commitment is included in the job description of the Headteacher, its extent will be determined by the education authority on the basis of an assessment of themanagement content of the post."

2.2 Paragraph 2.4 of the 2001 National Agreement, "A Teaching Profession for the 21st Century, states:

"In the case of promoted post holders in schools, the Implementation Group has considered their working arrangements and has agreed that managers require time for additional duties outwith teaching and associated preparation in order to fulfil their broad professional duties."

2.3 The SNCT Handbook has no specific provisions relating to the time required by promoted staff in schools. All teachers have a 35 working week, regardless of level of promotion.

2.4 Although the allocation of management time is not a national or devolved matter there are a number of LNCT agreements on management time. In other Councils, there has been consultation on management time but no formal agreement.

Management Time – Application

3.1 The calculation of management time is based either on a formulaic approach or on devolved models. Most formulae are based on a pupil roll model across both primary and secondary schools. There are two variations on this approach.

On one approach, the allocation of staff is based entirely on pupil roll. On the other approach, a core management time is provided, supplemented by pupil roll. A roll-related approach may be based on teaching time or on management time.

3.2 One Council allocates management time based on the teaching complement of the school. The teaching complement is based on pupil roll but weighted for deprivation factors.

3.3 One Council allocates management time to departments or faculties on the teaching complement within that part of the school. The allocation to PTs, Guidance or Pastoral Support, is arranged according to the size of pupil caseload.

3.4 Another variation of a formulaic approach is to link the allocation of management time to the job-sized score of Headteachers, Deputes and Principal Teachers.

3.5 An alternative to a formulaic approach is a devolved approach. There are two devolved models which may apply. A sum of money, derived from a formula linked to pupil roll, is allocated to a school as a Full Time Equivalent. The Headteacher then allocates management time to promoted staff.


4.1 From the evidence to date it is not clear whether management time is protected or guaranteed. Cutting management time to deal with staffing problems is likely to be an issue.

4.2 Further, while a number of Councils have indicated that management time is under review there is no evidence on whether the move to faculty management has resulted in additional management time for PTs who run faculties. The issue of faculty structure is under consideration by the Education Committee and there requires to be some articulation of our position across Committees.

4.3 This report is partial and sets out the need for a more detailed report on staffing formulae and management time. This requires to be explored since there is likely to be an interaction between management time and teacher numbers.

Logically, if you are arguing that there should be a minimum staffing standard across Scottish Councils the EIS should be arguing for a minimum allocation of management time. The Salaries Committee should develop a more detailed policy to support our demand for aminimum staffing standard, taking account of the work of other Committees.


5.1 This report should be noted as an interim report to be continued in the context of seeking a national minimum staffing standard.

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