Fighting for the Future of Further Education

Created on: 01 Nov 2022 | Last modified: 25 Oct 2023

Fighting for the future of FE


The statutory re-ballot for industrial action has closed with EIS-FELA narrowly missing the 50% threshold required by the UK Government’s anti-trade union legislation introduced in 2016. The threshold was missed by a very small margin of twenty or so votes.

The EIS-FELA Executive has decided to prepare immediately to re-ballot its members to allow industrial action to continue in pursuit of a fair pay settlement and defence of jobs. Further details on the timescales for this immediate re-ballot will be shared as soon as possible. 



Speech by EIS General Secretary Andrea Bradley at the FELA Annual Conference on Friday 24th March.



Speech by EIS President Andrene Bamford at the FELA Annual Conference on Friday 24th March.

andrene speechDownload pdf


EIS-FELA News Releases


Campaign Pledge

As the Scottish Government embarks on a ‘reform agenda’ that may well see significant change and a closer correlation between FE and HE in Scotland, the EIS-FELA is setting out six key demands that must be addressed by any reform.

The six demands have been determined by the EIS-FELA Executive nationally, following consultation with the wider membership via a survey conducted earlier this academic year and from feedback gained from the EIS-FELA branches across Scotland’s Colleges.

pledge fELA

Summary of the EIS-FELA All Member Survey - Conducted in September 2022

At the beginning of this academic year, the EIS-FELA Executive surveyed its members in order to determine the matters that they saw as most pressing in the sector. The results of this survey were collated and used to form the basis of the Pledge for the Fighting for the Future of Further Education Campaign.

FELA Survey

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