Primary Myths of Immigration Booklet

Created on: 30 Nov 2018

This booklet aims to provide primary school teachers with some ideas for tackling the myths of immigration within their schools; myths such as "we have loads of immigrants in the UK" and "people come to the UK because we’re a soft touch and give out loads of benefits; people just want free healthcare and free houses.”

Misinformation about immigration has encouraged a rise in racist attacks here, and put additional barriers in the way of people abroad who are on the move, many fleeing for their lives. 

We know that teachers are already very busy and that the curriculum is crowded. However, there are many different ways to engage with this issue.

Whether you have time to organise one assembly, to run one or a few specific lessons on immigration issues, or to develop a whole-school approach, there is something you can do to tackle the myths of immigration.